Day 7.

I’ve had waves of difficult thoughts and feelings today, but no real idea why. I’ve decided to add something I want to improve on each day to my posts. 


1. Starting plans for a spring trip to America with a friend

2. Looking into potential jobs for Christmas and finding a few different theatre companies to bookmark

3. Finishing my washing 

4. Phoning Dad as it’s Father’s Day in the UK

5. Washing my hair 
Tomorrow I want to…

  • Eat a larger portion of vegetables 
  • Make the most of my afternoon 
  • Get through my planned workout 

Day 6.

Happy weekend! I had the day off today, so I spent some time enjoying the sun and doing things as and when I felt like it. Tomorrow at work is a less intense day, which feels like a good way to break myself in to the week! 

My biggest concern right now is calorie intake. Let’s elaborate: there’s an amount that I ate several years ago, and while doing so I maintained a low weight. I don’t want to trigger anybody with numbers, but I will say that this figure is actually not that low. There are people on diets who eat less! However, as I’m not eating quite that amount at present, I’m afraid that I’d get bigger if I did, even though in theory any amount of restriction should amount to weight loss. While my therapist is away, i want to work hard on the perfectionism stuff we are doing, but I also want to be “thin enough” when she comes back too. It feels like I could warrant fully engaging in dietary changes then. I am already trying to stick to the structure of eating regularly, though equally trying to hold on to controlling the amount. 

Time for #5adayprogress!

1. Bothering to post even though it’s hard for me to see a day off as a time when I would succeed or achieve with anything!

2. Buying a facial wash and taking 5 minutes to do it

3. Trying to drink lots of water in this heat 

4. Doing 10 minutes on the cross trainer 

5. Having a shower 

Day 5.

Hey!! It’s 12:40am where I am, and I’m in bed after a show. Tomorrow is my day off, and I enjoy not feeling hurried to go to sleep. Personally, I felt there were some things I could have performed much better tonight (but check out one of my successes of the day below…)


1. My boss telling me I danced well tonight 

2. Eating some sweet corn, which is not something I generally have 

3. Following my plan of gym days, sleep routine and eating my veg everyday this week

4. Making a list of things I want to do tomorrow 

5. Getting some washing done 

Remember, if you want to join in, tag 5adayprogress in your posts, and don’t forget that the success or achievement can be big or small 


Day 4.

Hey everyone! Today was a busy day. I was challenged by having to watch videos from rehearsals this morning, which makes my body comparison game all the more confusing. After rehearsal I had my usual day, but it was 30 degrees which made it seem harder 😂. I had a show tonight, which I preceded with a gym session (and my box of protein bars arrived today. BUZZINGGGGG). I’m always critical about some part of the show, but that’s normal for me. I want to better every time. 

Time for #5adayprogress:

1. Trying a workout I saw online and  doing all 5 rounds 

2. Eating my dinner even though I kept thinking I didn’t feel like it 

3. Drinking more water 

4. Dragging myself to breakfast despite really wanting to hit the snooze button a few more times 

5. Completing this post for 3 days in a row 

Day 2. 

Day 2 of my 5 positive things posts. 

1. A whole hour of catching up with my best friend over the phone ❤️

2. Feeling positive about the show

3. Having a nap! 

4. A lovely message from somebody 

5. Comments from a nice couple after the show tonight 

In general, today has felt like a good day. Nothing major happened to make it so, but I do feel it’s been fairly easy to feel good today!
